Do you need to take just one measurement? Do you want to evaluate the equipment before purchasing it? The MPB rental offer may be the best solution! If you decide to purchase the instrument within 2 months from the first day of rental you will receive a discount equal to 50% of the cost incurred for the rental period.
For all equipment MPB offers the following rental conditions:
Via Giacomo Peroni 400/402
00131 Roma (RM)
Tel: +39 0641200744
Fax: +39 0641200653
P.IVA: 05415291003
RAEE: IT24070000016275
C.F. and Registration number in the company register of the Court of Rome: 05415291003
Share capital euros 100.000,00 Int. vers.
REA 887876
©2023 MPB S.r.l. All rights reserved.