MPB srl is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers in accordance with current legislation. For more information, please also see our cookies policy. To offer the services provided by this site MPB srl must process some personal data necessary for correct functioning This data can be provided explicitly by the navigator or implicitly by the tools used for navigation. The data and cookies received will be processed by MPB exclusively with methods and procedures necessary to provide the requested services and for the additional purposes for which consent was obtained. All photos and texts on this site are the property of MPB, its use and reproduction is strictly prohibited without our authorization.
MPB may process the following categories of users' personal data:
The datas collected while browsing the site are used to:
The personal data will not be disclosed, but may be communicated for the provision of the service to third parties (postal couriers, tax consultants, providers, suppliers). These subjects, if necessary, will be appointed Data Processors by MPB for tasks of a technical or organizational. The Access to datas is also permitted to those in charge of MPB involved in the organization for data processing (administrative, commercial, marketing, service personnel, system administrators). The updated list of Managers can be requested from the Data Controller. MPB has identified and appointed, pursuant to art. 37 of the GDPR, a Data Protection Officer (DPO) and has equipped itself with a privacy office to manage requests relating to the privacy of its users and customers.
MPB guarantees you can exercise the rights provided for by the art. at any time. 12 of the GDPR. In particular:
The personal data provided will be processed by MPB within the territory of the European Union. If for technical and/or operational reasons it is necessary to use subjects or exploit services located outside the European Union or in the cloud, the processing will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of the Regulation and authorized on the basis of specific European Union decisions. All necessary precautions will be taken to guarantee the most complete protection of personal data.
MPB in accordance with the Article. 5.1 of the GDPR will process the data provided by you for the entire duration of the execution of the requested services and will retain them for the following 12 months for the purpose of completing the administrative activities. As required to fulfill legal obligations. If profiling processing is authorised, the anonymous data observed from time to time will be deleted 12 months after the start of the processing.
Via Giacomo Peroni 400/402
00131 Roma (RM)
Tel: +39 0641200744
Fax: +39 0641200653
P.IVA: 05415291003
RAEE: IT24070000016275
C.F. and Registration number in the company register of the Court of Rome: 05415291003
Share capital euros 100.000,00 Int. vers.
REA 887876
©2023 MPB S.r.l. All rights reserved.